=== training/web ===
Comparity Net: Web Training

Comparity Net

Comparity Training can provide training in creating and developing your static or dynamic web site. Together with our training partneres, we can help individual or corporate clients devlop skills in:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • SQL

We also are able to develop and deliver course material for training. For more information about course material for Web Development, see 101 Courseware.

Contact us for more infomation about courses.

Web Training

Comparity Training can provide training in creating and developing your static or dynamic web site. Together with our training partneres, we can help individual or corporate clients devlop skills in:

HTML is language behind every Web Page. Every Web Site is a collection of Web Pages, all of which use the HTML language for their content and markup. Even pages generated using other scripting languages such as PHP are produced using HTML.
Comparity Training can help you learn the basic techniques of using HTML language to develop web pages, and help you develop the skills to understand and write good modern HTML to get the most out of yor web development and to help your users get the most out of thier browsing experience.
CSS is used to add style to web pages. It can be used to enhance the visual appearance of pages, as well as to add more sophisticated layout and effects.
We can help in understanding the principles of using CSS to develop a visual theme for web sites. This includes basic text and layout techniques, as well as some effects available in modern browsers. We also cover some of the traps and pitfalls with different browser versions.
JavaScript is a language designed to add scripting capabilities to a Web page. While HTML is static (it is designed to display fixed data on a page, and, to some extent to collect data from the user), JavaScript can process or even change the contents of the page.
Comparity Training can teach you the principles of good modern JavaScript development to help bring life to your web pages.
PHP is the most popular Server Scripting language. It is used to drive many of the largest web sites in the world, and is used to produce dynamic web sites, often driven by a database such as MySQL.
Comparity Training can help develop solid skills in coding in PHP. We also work extensively with using databases, and creating powerful, reusable code for your current and future projects.
MySQL is the most popular open source database, though by no means the only one. It is also behind many of the largest content-based web sites in the world.
Other popular databases for Web sites include PostGreSQL and SQLite.
Comparity Training can teach you the fundamentals of using database for your web project, and building data driven web sites.